The Tea Review Blog, Reviews our Tropical Fire Tea

Mack in March The Tea Review wrote the review posted below, it was great that we made such a positive impression with out Tropical Fire Tea.

“It works! It works well!!! I love this tea, and, though it might be fantastic as an iced tea, I love it as a hot tea with just milk. (I didn’t care for it as well with sugar added) This is a creative and unique tea and I applaud the Tropical Tea Company!”

Try it out!

A Cupful of Tea Facts

Ever wondered how much tea is produced around the world? Check out this cool Tea Graph by Dailyinfographic on some random Tea Facts.  Remember these facts the next time you take a sip of your delicious tea.






TEA BAGS by MLESNA are on sale now! 50 Bags of Tea for $4.75. That is 50% off of our normal price of $9.50. Tea bags are foil sealed and shipped 50 to a box. Select from 20 different Mlesna flavors. 

$1 Tea Sale

10 Popular Teas on Sale in August! We are proud to offer several of our teas at the tremendously discounted price of only $1.00 per ounce (2 ounce minimum). This sale is only for August so act now.

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8 Reasons for Drinking Green Tea

Did you ever wonder what is so special about drinking green tea?  Well let us tell you the top 8 reasons for drinking Green Tea:

  1. Cancer– Helps reduce the chances of getting cancer.  Green tea is filled with antioxidants that help keep cancer cells from taking over your body.
  2. Skin Helps your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet sun rays which can be harmful and cause skin cancer.  The antioxidants in green tea are effective whether you drink or apply it directly to your skin.  It has also been used to treat cuts, scrapes or bites since tea is a natural antiseptic that relieves itching and swelling.
  3. Fat– Burns fat and boasts your metabolism for weight loss.
  4. Brain- Helps fight Parkinson and Alzheimer “According to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharacology, there is significant evidence that free radicals play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease and that the polyphenols in green tea can help fight these free radicals. Researchers found that polyphenols can help prevent the buildup of brain-damaging proteins, as well as help prevent memory loss. A study published in the Natural Medicine Journal found that participants who took daily 360-mg capsules of green tea extract along with 60-mg of I-theanine (an amino acid also found in tea) had improved memory and attention spans, even if they had started to lose both.” Orenstien, 2012.
  5. Energy– Green tea is loaded with caffeine which can boost your energy levels.
  6. Bones– Preserves your bone density by the high fluoride content that is found in green tea. Can help against osteoporosis and other bone problems.
  7. Heart-Lowers your cholesterol which can prevent you from having heart disease and a stroke. Even after a heart attack, it prevents cell deaths and speeds up the recovery of heart cells.
  8. Mouth– “A number of studies, including one of 940 men in Japan, show that drinking green tea regularly can lead to a healthy mouth because tea’s catechins can actually help kill mouth bacteria.
    Mouth bacteria can turn the sugar in foods into plaque, and plaque produces acids that can cause tooth decay. Catechins may also help kill the bacteria that can cause bad breath.” Orenstien, 2012.

So remember the next time you’re going to take a drink, pass the green tea please!

We carry an extensive line of loose leaf green tea. You can choose from: Blueberry, Blue Mango, Green Chai, Crime of Passion, Dragon Pearls, Formosa Gunpowder, Ginger, Japanese Sencha, Jasmine with Flowers, Lavender Butterfly China, Long Island Strawberry, Mountain Dragon China, Niagara Peach Sencha, Pomegranate Hibiscus, Strawberry, Vanilla, Berry tea sampler, and Steamed Darjeeling Green Tea.

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To buy our teas click on our link:

For more information about Green Tea Facts:


Join the Tropical Tea Experience now and receive a 40% OFF DISCOUNT COUPON plus a FREE TEAPOT and MEASUREMENT SPOON!

Join before August 1, 2012 and you will receive a 40% OFF COUPON good for any one time purchase before September 1, 2012.  Plus you will receive a FREE 6 OR 8 CUP TEAPOT and LOOSE LEAF TEA MEASUREMENT SPOON. Color and size of teapot will be at suppliers choice.


Join today

July Tea Special!

For the month of July use promo code TEA15JULY and get 15% off on all purchases!

Tropical Tea Company, LLC

Tropical Tea Company, LLC specializes in island flavored gourmet teas in a variety of flavors from herbal to exotic. Including specialty tropical teas such as White TeaGreen TeaOolong TeaBlack Tea, Rooibos, ChaiHerbal English and Estate and Botanical Teas. Tropical Tea Company also offers a great selection of tea pots, tea wares and accessories.

Our goal is to provide the best teas possible at the lowest price for all our internet based customers. We carry the freshest teas available, offer special monthly promotions and work very hard at keeping our cost down and passing on the savings to our customers.

Visit our site today,